Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Maybe I'm The One....

Maybe I'm the one who's a schizophrenic psycho, yeah.

I don't think so...of course probably that's true for anyone be they sane or not.  Most psychos probably don't know they're psycho.  But in my case, I don't think that I'm crazy... I'm just someone of very high intelligence stuck in a world populated with people who ain't too bright....but that's not a big surprise.  If you google "average IQ" you find out that the average IQ is around 100.  My IQ tests out in excess of 150...so I'm 50% more intelligent than the majority of people...so pretty much, relatively speaking, the rest of the world is dumb.  The real problem is that the media preys on the not-so-bright populous, programming their little brains into thinking they're smart, into thinking their ideas are original.  I know someone who is the perfect example of this.  Probably has an average IQ, maybe a little above average - 110-120 something like that.  But she seldom has an opinion of her own.  She is constantly taking someone else's opinion as her own.  One person says "gosh, X is really swell, such brilliance," and suddenly she's parroting the same opinion.  Hasn't seen/read/or had any experience with X herself, has no clue about X, just someone else's notion of what is swell (or horrible).

You're the one, you're the one who is the schizophrenic psycho.

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